My new favourite breakfast 👌

After watching my favourite YouTuber (Nikki Blackketter) I decided to make one of heart favourite breakfasts French toast ( eggy bread). 

I was so impressed and it’s so easy to make. First of all pour all the egg whites into a bowl. 

Soak the bread into the egg whites while waiting for the hob to warm up for you to fry your bread. The bread should be lovely a soggy before adding it to the hot frying pan. 

Make sure you grease the pan and flip the bread frequently to stop the bread from sticking. 

When cooked you till realise how amazing this is and how easy. It’s a perfect breakfast with protein and carbs. The bread could be better if it was weight watching but this was my pre legs breakfast which gave me loads of energy. 

Food prep! 👌

Since trying to ft my body fat down to 20% I have cut my lunches at work down to literally a protein and vegetables instead of salad. Don’t get my wrong I’ve been mixing it up, I’ve been having salad sometimes as you can’t always eat the same thing but I do find chicken and vegetables more filling compared to a salad and it’s always nice to feel full and satisfied to stop you from snacking whilst sitting there at work bored for most of the day. 

I think I have the easiest food prep around, I literally go to teaco/ asda any supermarket that’s around that fairly cheap and by a load of chicken and a big bag of frozen vegetables. Sounds very boring but I do change the chicken up my trying out different varieties of seasoning. I have tried chilli, five seasons Bbq, peri peri, garlic salt… And a couple more but my favourite is the fajitas seasoning as it makes you feel a little naughty but you are only eating chicken and vegetables. 

So I cook up my chicken and veg and put them all in tupplewear boxes for the week ahead. I normally put A couple in the freezer as I don’t like to trust them in the fridge for 5 days it could go abit dodgy. 

Healthy snacks 

With the job I am I am often getting bored. Now the problem when I’m bored is I start to think about food. I work opposite many food places, in fact a whole town full of them and I’m constantly craving that taste of a bag of sweets. To stop this I bring in loads of healthy snacks with me so that if I have this problem I have something to help! These are some of the snacks I bring. 

These are all really good for you still. The sushi gives you protein and carbs and takes you off that edge of being hungry. The cucumber, peppers and fruit kill that feeling of wanted sweets as they are sweet themselves. This should take away that sweet tooth for the time being.

Tasty chicken 

When dieting one thing that I have found is its its to keel the good tasty and the one thing everyone likes is food that tastes good. I set myself a mission to keep my eating clean this week and thank god I have stuck to it. 

I made myself a lovely chicken. I didn’t make the chicken but you know cooked it and all that. I used a seasoning which gave it skme lovely flavour. 

It was so easy. It has a little bag inside so I popped it in that’s and covered with the seasoning it came with. 

Then put it in the oven to cook for about hour and half and it came out smelly amazing. Now I know this seasons makes the chicken this little bit naughtier in terms of food but can can’t eat non flavoured chicken breast every day, you need to spice up your food and change it in order to keep to the clean eating and continue to do well in your diet. 

It tasted amazing and the best thing was the chicken was £4 and the seasoning about £1. Can’t go wrong right? And this lasted 6 meals so a great, tasty cheaper way of eating clean. 

Bulk powders order 

My latest order has waited a long time but I finally got round to putting my order in. This time I am trying green tea capsules as I have heard they are a very good fat burner and liquid egg whites so save separating the yolk every time I make myself an omelette. 

I wouldn’t really know if the fat burners are making much of a difference untill my next weigh in in a couple of weeks but the eggs whites make a lovely omelette, you can’t taste the difference and it’s great knowing it’s totally good for you with a lot of protein! 

My latest cheesecake 

As yoh Probaly all know my other half loves cheesecake so I thought I would make him one today as I have some spare time and they don’t take long. 


Double cream, butter, vanilla essence, Philadelphia, white chocolate chips and chocolate digestives. 

I started off my crushing all of the digestives in a bowl, melting the butter and pouring the butter into the biscuits to make it stick together. After this I buttered a cake tin and popped the biscuit into the tub and into the fridge to set. 

While this is in the fridge setting I added the whole of the Philadelphia pot into the bowl with half of the double cream. Mix this together, add two tea spoons of vanilla essence and all of the chocolate chips and stir until there are no lumps. Sometimes add some sugar to give a little bit more flavour then stir in the cheesecake topping onto the biscuit and let set in the fridge. 

Bank holiday weekend 

While I was in Yarmouth over the bank holiday with my nan I certainly did shop Abit and ate a lot of food! One of my favourites things in life are scones. I think it’s because I have a massive sweet tooth and these are just amazing. There is this cafe we go too everytime to get a scone and without a doubt it’s the best ever.

While I was there my nan also showed me a lovely carvary place to eat. I have never been there before, it was in caister. I will certainly be going back though as it was to die for. I loaded my plate up like I hadn’t eaten for a year. When I’m on holiday I always think like that! Only live once right?

When it comes to a carvary I don’t feel the slightest bit bad as I have so many vegetables, along with everything else of course! But least I get my 5 a day in one meal.

I also couldn’t go without fresh fish while I was and had to get fish and chips. At home I never get this as I know how naughty it is but oh well. My nan is selling the challet which will break her heart so I said I would take her down on the next bank holiday aswell to get the last out of it.

While I was there I also did load of shopping. I always find getting other people things though but I love that.

I got these for myself. The trainers where one of my birthday presents from my mum but I treated myself to two t shirts for the summer. They where only 2 for £10 and they are amazing. You should know by now that I love my oracle music if you read my blog posts.

These I purchased for my dad and fiancé. They where also such a good price, one for £5.99 and the other was 2 for £5. You really can’t go wrong. This was in Yarmouth on the sea front so if you are ever Down there and like this kind of stuff make sure you have a look!

This mug I got for my mums 50th birthday present. Well one of them. It’s actually a huge plant pot and she loves her flowers for I thought this would be perfect. I love how it’s so different aswell and I havnt seen any around my area so hopefully she would have never seen them before. It was from a shop called laithams for £7.99.

A healthy breakfast 

At the weekend I sometimes find it really hard to have a healthy breakfast when you have eggs and bacon. This weekend I made up a lovely omelette for breakfast which was amazing and filled me up for a good few hours and allowed me to have the bacon I wanted in a healthier way. In my omelette I used two eggs ( to make this healthier take our the yolks) mushrooms, lean bacon, spinach and pepper. This tasted so good and so easy to make! 


Getting your 5 a day 

I’m always hearing things around work or when I’m at the gym about people finding it hard to eat there 5 a day. Sometimes I think it’s crap, as personlly I eat about ten a day because I love fruit and veg that much. As easy solution to this would be making a smoothie. I know this isn’t the same as sometimes your not getting the full goodness out of the food but surely this is better than not eating any at all? 

Smoothies arnt just abou fruit either you can include literally anything; vegetables, buts, yogurt oats most things to be honest. Maybe not meat though that would be Abit rank. Eating your 5 a day will give you many health benefits also, mainly it allows you to get all the sufficient nutrients from the natural ingredients you are using. This also allows you to use superfoods such as beetroot, blueberries and spinach. If you don’t like something it’s a good time to add it in aswell as the taste of the everything else will allow you not to taste that in the smoothie.

I made a smoothie yesterday with loads of fruit. It tasted amazing, I included raspberries, lime, Apple and kiwi. So this included 4 out of my 5 a day which I’m happy with. Before I workout sometimes I’ll have a smoothie with peanut butter as this gives me tones of energy for my workout. 


Scrapping the morning coffee

Like many others I love a morning coffee to the point where I bought a coffee machine. I mainly drink coffee in the morning as my morning fix but the last couple of days I have tried to stay away from the morning coffee and replace with a hot lemon water. 

With water in though of course.

I have changed this as I have read so many health benefits from this I thought i would give it a try. I think it’s important to have fresh water when you wake up in the morning aswell instead of a coffee to dehydrate you even more then you already are. 


  • Kickstarts your metabolism 
  • Cleanses the system 
  • Boots your immune system 
  • Freshens breath 
  • Clearer skin 
  • AIDS weight loss 

You can do all this with a lemon water? I would say maybe 3 a day would be better than 1 though but that’s not hard. Cut the lemon up and take it into work. Have your coffee still as a treat. Stay away from them sugary coffees though or ones with 100% milk as they wont help. A coffee half hour before your workout is perfect as the caffeine will give you a boost for your workout. I am trying to do this for a could of weeks too see what the difference is so I will post the outcome.